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I. Definitions
Members of TPR refers to any person using an account on this forum to publish content.
Owner of TPR refers to the admin of the forum and homesite under the name
TPR refers to the online community "The Pack Roleplay" and all content used to create and maintain it.


II. Photos
Photos posted within the forum are free for personal use and belong to their respective owners including the public domain EXCEPT for those specifically indicated with a title of credit.


III. Mini Profile
Original mini profile template on the forum is attributed to Adoxography Co.


IV. Content
Members of TPR and content published thereby are subject to Proboards T.O.S. and TPR Rules & Guidelines and may be removed/edited by either entity. Intellectual/Creative assets attributed to this website including all member-generated digital content are credited to respective owners.


V. Everything Else
All personal assets used to create and maintain TPR, the forum and homesite including all original content and design published on the forum and homesite; belong to the owner of TPR unless specifically indicated on individual assets by a title of credit.

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